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Fall Foliage Halloween Ride Registration

Please read the instructions on the registration form! All fields with an * are required in order for the form to be accepted.

Every rider must submit a registration form, unless it is a junior riding with a parent.

Your Coggins and rabies certificates must be up to date

  • Limit of 100 riders

  • Lunch will be served

  • Registration payments are not refundable.

  • You may pay through PayPal, Venmo, or mail a check.

Paying by Check

Mail check to:   Margie Huoppi
                           233 Pomfret Street

                           Pomfret Center, CT 06259

Paper Registration

If you prefer to fill in a paper registration form and send a check, click here >>

Having Trouble Registering?

If you have trouble submitting the registration form or using PayPal, please email ShyAnne Demers at or Margie Huoppi at

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